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Tomas Brand Slams Jesse Santana With His Hard Uncut Cock


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The job of Tomas Brand, the King of All Muscle Daddies, is never done. There’s always a young man in need of the guidance of a true daddy. Jesse Santana is one such young man, and Tomas is more than happy to give him all of the attention he needs. Jesse opens his mouth to suck on Tomas’ daddy dick, and spread his legs so he can feel the powerful thrusts of Tomas’ as he fucks Jesse bareback.

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Tomas Brand Slams Jesse Santana With His Hard Uncut Cock
Tomas Brand Slams Jesse Santana With His Hard Uncut Cock
Tomas Brand Slams Jesse Santana With His Hard Uncut Cock
Tomas Brand Slams Jesse Santana With His Hard Uncut Cock
Tomas Brand Slams Jesse Santana With His Hard Uncut Cock
Tomas Brand Slams Jesse Santana With His Hard Uncut Cock
Tomas Brand Slams Jesse Santana With His Hard Uncut Cock
Tomas Brand Slams Jesse Santana With His Hard Uncut Cock

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