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Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Customer Support

For payment issues regarding RocketGate (RGNATIVE) email or call 1 (888) 623-2720.

Please visit CCBilling | DHD | Netbilling | SegPay | Vendo for any payment issues.

Vendo is an authorized sales agent. SegPay is an authorized sales agent.

For all other issues, suggestions, and comments related to the Lucas Entertainment website and membership, please email us at:

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Lucas Entertainment’s entire scene library is fully downloadable for all of our members. You no longer have to keep track of monthly scene allotments or spend extra money on tokens if you have any kind of current member subscription.

Our system only allows for logins at three separate IP addresses in any 24-hour period.  This is tracked by the IP address of the computer/device location you are using, like an internet router or cell phone IP address. For 95 percent of our users, this is more than enough to access their accounts. It will occasionally affect people who access the site from a mobile phone and/or who are traveling — all if they access their account many times in one 24-hour period from multiple places.

This limit refreshes every 24 hours.

Make sure that your username and password match the information you originally signed up with (all passwords are case sensitive). It’s also recommended that you clear your cookies and cache when having any login issues.

After you sign up with Lucas Entertainment you should completely log out of your account and then log back in, as this refreshes the system to recognize your new membership status. Also, try to log into the site using a different web browser. We recommend using either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to test it.

Please verify your login credentials with us at:

First, identify what web browser you’re using. It’s probably one of these four:

— Internet Explorer (the basic default browser on most PCs)
— Mozilla FireFox
— Google Chrome
— Safari (the basic default browser for all Macs and iOS devices)

Here are some directions for clearing cache for each of the browsers:

Internet Explorer:

Mozilla FireFox:

Google Chrome:


Also, our website is compatible best with Google Chrome, as Chrome includes many of the technological features out website employs.

We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to access and view our website. These two web browsers use the most up-to-date technology, are user friendly, and best of all they are for free.

Our three sites are a complete package, so when you log into one site, you have instantaneous access to the other two. Simply visit the sites and you will have complete access to all of their exclusive content.

Due to the restrictions of Apple’s technology with the iPhone, iPad, and iPod, you cannot purchase a download from the Lucas Store and download it directly onto your iPad. You cannot buy ANY videos from the internet and download them onto your iPad unless it’s from the iTunes Store.

However, whatever movie you purchased from the Lucas Store, you can first download it onto your computer and then transfer it to you iPad via iTunes on your computer.

Here is one of many FAQs that can help you more:

Yes, our site can be viewed on smartphones and tablets alike.

We strive to keep a somewhat positive environment in our community. Our community is comprised of both Lucas Entertainment members and models. We take the concerns and safety of both parties seriously. We will not tolerate any harsh, overly negative, or hostile comments and criticism in our community section.

While discussions on various topics are allowed, it is important to remember to be courteous and respectful to other members and models. Otherwise, you run the risk of a ban.

Lucas Tokens offer both visitors as well as members a new way to purchase and access scenes, all without having to commit to a membership if that’s not something you’re ready for.

You can purchase new scene tokens here by clicking on the gold coin icon at the top of the website.

On this page you can purchase the amount of tokens you want. When your tokens are purchased, simply visit the scene page of whichever one you’re interested in accessing and click the button to the right-hand side of the video player that describes how you want to have access to the scene.

We offer the following options for current scenes:

1 Day Unlock – 8 Tokens

7 Day Unlock – 20 Tokens

Unlock Forever – 40 Tokens

** Please Note: Unlocked scenes will be added to your Library on Lucas Entertainment after purchased; you will only be able to watch on the website.

Download Scene – 60 Tokens

** Please Note: This is for personal use offline.

For scenes a year old or older, we have these decreased pricing options:

Day Unlock – 4 Tokens

7 Day Unlock – 12 Tokens

Unlock Forever – 28 Tokens

** Please Note: Unlocked scenes will be added to your Library on Lucas Entertainment after purchased; you will only be able to watch on the website.

Download Scene – 40 Tokens

** Please Note: This is for personal use offline.

01.) After you purchase tokens, please visit the scene page you’d like to access using tokens.

02.) Along the right-hand side of the scene player you will see the following purchase options:

1 Day Unlock – 8 Tokens

7 Day Unlock – 20 Tokens

Unlock Forever – 40 Tokens

** Please Note: Unlocked scenes will be added to your Library on Lucas Entertainment after purchased; you will only be able to watch on the website.

Download Scene – 60 Tokens

** Please Note: This is for personal use offline.

For scenes a year old or older, we have these decreased pricing options:

Day Unlock – 4 Tokens

7 Day Unlock – 12 Tokens

Unlock Forever – 28 Tokens

** Please Note: Unlocked scenes will be added to your Library on Lucas Entertainment after purchased; you will only be able to watch on the website.

Download Scene – 40 Tokens

** Please Note: This is for personal use offline.

Select the option you’d like and you have enough tokens for.

03.) Once the purchase is made, please locate the My Account menu at the top right-hand side of the site’s masthead.

04.) In the dropdown menu of My Account, please click on My Library.

05.) Here in My Library you will find all of your token purchases (past and present) and what options you have with them depending on the type of token purchase you made.

Tech and Diagnostic Support

Trouble watching our videos? This page is designed to help you diagnose and resolve the issue.

Most problems will be solved if you clear the cache of your browser (Google Chrome etc) and then restart your computer.
If that doesn't work, please review the results of the auto diagnostic below.

Operating system

Please make sure that you use the latest version of your device's operating system. Check for upgrades to the latest version.

Operating System: Unknown

Web Browser

Make sure that you have the latest version of your browser installed. We recommend using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari. They have built-in video acceleration and will give you the most stable video performance.

Browser: Bot Unknown


To watch this site you must have JavaScript enabled. To watch the site, you must have cookies enabled.

JavaScript: On, Cookies: Disabled

Speed test

This widget allows you to test your download speed. Your download speed should be at least 5Mbps to view our streams (10Mbps for HD streams). If your download speed is lower, please contact your internet service provider.

Run speed test

Open a Help Ticket

Please describe the issue you are having with as much detail as possible. Please provide what scene or movie you are experiencing this issue with as well as any other details that can help us fix the problem. Click on the "Run Speed Test" button above to test your connection with our servers, and the result will be filled in the support form.

    Need more information?

    Contact us

    Raunchy Dirty Uncut Fucking - Watch from every angle! - Raw Alpha MalesRaunchy Dirty Uncut Fucking - Watch from every angle! - Raw Alpha Males