This installment of our popular Vengeance mob drama series centers around a deal made between New York City mob bosses Michael Lucas and Lucas Entertainment exclusive Marco Rochelle. Lucas enlists in Rochelle's help to apprehend Hollywood pimp David Woods (Andrew Addams), who sent Lucas a death threat. In return, Rochelle asks Lucas to locate and bring back his long-lost boyfriend.
It's no wonder why Vengeance quickly became one of the hottest, kinkiest, most controversial, and best-selling titles of 2001. It was also the veritable production that established New York-based Lucas Entertainment as a mainstay in the gay porn industry and the leader in renegade fuck films. Featuring unprecedented no-holds-barred performances by Michael Lucas, Chad Hunt, Carlos Morales, and the infamous Richie Fine, Vengeance really packs a punch - and do we mean punch! This gritty raunch-fest has already spawned a franchise that's left no viewer disappointed, but this is the one that started it all.