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Adam Killian Bottoms For Roman Berman


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Adam Killian is a king among beefcakes in the gay porn industry: his muscular body, meaty ass, and mouth-watering cock are all legendary. He and the alpha-male top Roman Berman disappear into the woods together to fuck around. Adam looks like he is all man, but he quickly submits to Roman’s overpowering masculinity. Roman first fucks Adam in the mouth before deeply sodomizing him between his juicy cheeks -- all taking place in a stream!

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Adam Killian Bottoms For Roman Berman
Adam Killian Bottoms For Roman Berman
Adam Killian Bottoms For Roman Berman
Adam Killian Bottoms For Roman Berman
Adam Killian Bottoms For Roman Berman
Adam Killian Bottoms For Roman Berman
Adam Killian Bottoms For Roman Berman
Adam Killian Bottoms For Roman Berman

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