Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Adam Killian Fucks Joseph Rough’s Ass Bareback


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It’s been a long time since two gay porn stars have had an onscreen conversation at Lucas Entertainment, but since the studio has started producing hardcore gay bareback porn, we thought we’d open up the conversation once again like in the old days of the “Auditions” series. And who better to open the talk than Adam Killian with the young Joseph Rough. Joseph usually likes being the top, but there’s some age roleplay in this scene because Adam takes control and pounds Joseph bareback after getting a long blowjob!

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Adam Killian Fucks Joseph Rough’s Ass Bareback
Adam Killian Fucks Joseph Rough’s Ass Bareback
Adam Killian Fucks Joseph Rough’s Ass Bareback
Adam Killian Fucks Joseph Rough’s Ass Bareback
Adam Killian Fucks Joseph Rough’s Ass Bareback
Adam Killian Fucks Joseph Rough’s Ass Bareback
Adam Killian Fucks Joseph Rough’s Ass Bareback
Adam Killian Fucks Joseph Rough’s Ass Bareback

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