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Adam Killian Tops Allen King


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The young and adorable Allen King is practically fought over when filming gay bareback sex scenes -- who gets to fuck the shit out of the hot little stud next? Allen certainly has his pick of any of the Lucas Men he wants to have bareback sex with. When he found out Adam Killian was going to stop by the Fire Island set the recent September 2019 shoot, he asked the gay porn legend if he’d do him the honor of breeding his ass. Adam Killian took one look at just how sexy Allen King is, and the answer was an instant yes!

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Adam Killian Tops Allen King
Adam Killian Tops Allen King
Adam Killian Tops Allen King
Adam Killian Tops Allen King
Adam Killian Tops Allen King
Adam Killian Tops Allen King
Adam Killian Tops Allen King
Adam Killian Tops Allen King

More Scene From Tearing Up Some Ass


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