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Alex Ink And Sexystache Fuck Kosta Viking


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Kosta Viking welcomes not one, but two, new Lucas Men to the Lucas Entertainment set. And the new faces are the handsome Alex Ink and the rugged Sexystache. Alex Ink is the husband of Lobo Carreira, and they make quite the up-and-coming porn power couple. Since Alex is all top, he takes turns fucking both Kosta Viking and Sexystache in the ass. At one point, Kosta even offers up his booty for some pretty intense anal double penetration!

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Alex Ink And Sexystache Fuck Kosta Viking
Alex Ink And Sexystache Fuck Kosta Viking
Alex Ink And Sexystache Fuck Kosta Viking
Alex Ink And Sexystache Fuck Kosta Viking
Alex Ink And Sexystache Fuck Kosta Viking
Alex Ink And Sexystache Fuck Kosta Viking
Alex Ink And Sexystache Fuck Kosta Viking
Alex Ink And Sexystache Fuck Kosta Viking


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