Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Alexander Volkov Makes His Debut Alongside Adam Killian


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There’s been quite a bit of anticipation for this scene building up over the months, and now Alexander Volkov is here to show off his goods -- and what high quality goods they are! This guy is gorgeous: the face, the body, and the uncut cock… Alexander certainly possesses all of the attributes needed for a gay porn star. And who better to show him a thing or two than Adam Killian, who shares Alexander’s love for fitness and raw cock. Adam doesn’t hold back in this bareback sex encounter: he blasts Alexander’s ass; check out 37:00 to see but a small snippet of the sweat they work up together!

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Alexander Volkov Makes His Debut Alongside Adam Killian
Alexander Volkov Makes His Debut Alongside Adam Killian
Alexander Volkov Makes His Debut Alongside Adam Killian
Alexander Volkov Makes His Debut Alongside Adam Killian
Alexander Volkov Makes His Debut Alongside Adam Killian
Alexander Volkov Makes His Debut Alongside Adam Killian
Alexander Volkov Makes His Debut Alongside Adam Killian
Alexander Volkov Makes His Debut Alongside Adam Killian

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