Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Allen King Rides Tomas Brand’s Daddy Cock


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Allen King is an adorable little guy who loves sex, and he has quickly risen in the ranks as one of the most popular among the Lucas Men. He has a huge stepdad/stepson fetish, and has been attracted to Tomas Brand for a long time. Tomas is more than happy to make Allen’s dreams a reality, and he shows Allen one of the best times he’s ever had. Allen King likes it rough and he gets off big-time on submitting, so Tomas Brand -- being the King of All Muscle Daddies -- doesn’t hold back with Allen. While he’s ramming Allen’s tiny ass and tight hole, Tomas grabs his throat and holds him down to show him his daddy is in charge!

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Allen King Rides Tomas Brand’s Daddy Cock
Allen King Rides Tomas Brand’s Daddy Cock
Allen King Rides Tomas Brand’s Daddy Cock
Allen King Rides Tomas Brand’s Daddy Cock
Allen King Rides Tomas Brand’s Daddy Cock
Allen King Rides Tomas Brand’s Daddy Cock
Allen King Rides Tomas Brand’s Daddy Cock
Allen King Rides Tomas Brand’s Daddy Cock


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