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Armando de Armas Travels from Cuba to Rail Jed Athens' Ass


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Jed Athens flew all the way from California to New York City cruising for sex, and Armando de Armas is looking for some fresh meat to stick his dick in -- he’s worn all of his hook-ups out in his native Cuba. That makes the two of them the perfect match, and Armando de Armas shows Jed exactly what a true top is capable of doing. Jed sucked the Cuban cock hanging between Armando’s legs, gets his ass eaten out, and bends his body around like a pretzel for Armando’s piece of meat. There are times when Jed doesn’t know if he can take another thrust, and that’s just when Armando is revving up for some real fucking!

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Armando de Armas Travels from Cuba to Rail Jed Athens' Ass
Armando de Armas Travels from Cuba to Rail Jed Athens' Ass
Armando de Armas Travels from Cuba to Rail Jed Athens' Ass
Armando de Armas Travels from Cuba to Rail Jed Athens' Ass
Armando de Armas Travels from Cuba to Rail Jed Athens' Ass
Armando de Armas Travels from Cuba to Rail Jed Athens' Ass
Armando de Armas Travels from Cuba to Rail Jed Athens' Ass
Armando de Armas Travels from Cuba to Rail Jed Athens' Ass

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