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Ben Batemen And Stas Landon Swap Raw Loads


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Stas Landon is as jacked as he’s always been, and it’s been awhile since he’s been on camera to fuck around bareback with another guy. His buddy Ben Batemen invites him over for some fun, and they get into some hardcore foreplay by sucking on each other’s foreskin. Ben is horny to be on top and Stas wants to take the submissive role, so he bends over so Ben can breed him rough and raw. Ben has a reputation for not taking it easy when he’s fucking a guy, and he teaches Stas how to behave like a good bitch and just take it until he’s ready to come.

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Ben Batemen And Stas Landon Swap Raw Loads
Ben Batemen And Stas Landon Swap Raw Loads
Ben Batemen And Stas Landon Swap Raw Loads
Ben Batemen And Stas Landon Swap Raw Loads
Ben Batemen And Stas Landon Swap Raw Loads
Ben Batemen And Stas Landon Swap Raw Loads
Ben Batemen And Stas Landon Swap Raw Loads
Ben Batemen And Stas Landon Swap Raw Loads

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