Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Brice Farmer Barebacks With Joey Pele, Alejandro Alvarez, And Esteban Nice


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Brice Farmer returns to Lucas Entertainment to bareback with Joey Pele, Alejandro Alvarez, and Esteban Nice! And I don’t want to be biased, but I’m now on the lookout for Alejandro Alvarez because he loves taking raw cock as much as it is given to him. Brice and Joey take on the roles as tops, and Alejandro teams up with Esteban to bottom for their throbbing uncut cocks. But Alejandro’s persona as an ever-hungry sex pig shines around 42:50 when Joey feeds him his dick while Brice pounds his ass bareback!

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Brice Farmer Barebacks With Joey Pele, Alejandro Alvarez, And Esteban Nice
Brice Farmer Barebacks With Joey Pele, Alejandro Alvarez, And Esteban Nice
Brice Farmer Barebacks With Joey Pele, Alejandro Alvarez, And Esteban Nice
Brice Farmer Barebacks With Joey Pele, Alejandro Alvarez, And Esteban Nice
Brice Farmer Barebacks With Joey Pele, Alejandro Alvarez, And Esteban Nice
Brice Farmer Barebacks With Joey Pele, Alejandro Alvarez, And Esteban Nice
Brice Farmer Barebacks With Joey Pele, Alejandro Alvarez, And Esteban Nice
Brice Farmer Barebacks With Joey Pele, Alejandro Alvarez, And Esteban Nice
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