Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Charlie Cherry Stretches Papixtrong Open


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The encounter between Charlie Cherry and Papixtrong starts off calmly enough. Both men are making out passionately on the balcony of the Lucas Entertainment villa in Puerto Vallarta. But as Papixtrong is tasting Charlie’s lips, he’s fondling and pawing at the huge package lying in wait within the top’s shorts. Papixtrong can’t hold back for long, and Charlie Cherry has no interest in stopping him. Papixtrong pulls down Charlie’s shorts, exposing the enormous uncut cock Charle Cherry has, and starts sucking on the prize. Papixtrong is exactly the kind of guy Charlie Cherry likes to fuck: he’s really macho and strong looking in day-to-day life, but he’s an absolute slut who wants his ass bred like a pussy by a bull top. And Charlie Cherry is the perfect guy for the job!

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Charlie Cherry Stretches Papixtrong Open
Charlie Cherry Stretches Papixtrong Open
Charlie Cherry Stretches Papixtrong Open
Charlie Cherry Stretches Papixtrong Open
Charlie Cherry Stretches Papixtrong Open
Charlie Cherry Stretches Papixtrong Open
Charlie Cherry Stretches Papixtrong Open
Charlie Cherry Stretches Papixtrong Open

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