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Latin Lover Tony Ryder Pumps Corey Cade


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Lucas exclusives Tony Ryder and Corey Cade join forces for the final audition in the film. Both young, smooth, and adorable -- the guys kiss with much passion. Then Corey, a 25-year-old Michigan native, sucks Tony's impressive pecker, eats his perfect boy butt and even licks his toes! The duo trades blowjobs in the 69 position before Ryder begins working on Cade's round meaty ass. He fucks and jacks Corey at the same time, coaxing lots of the milky stuff out of his oversized nuts. Tony finishes off the sequence by squirting on Corey's cute face. Cade smiles with gratitude. It's a great lip-smacking finale for another "Auditions" movie!

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