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Damon Heart Takes Double Penetration From Rafael Carreras And Javi Velaro


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Damon Heart deserves credit: not only is he excited to take on the huge endowment of Rafael Carreras, but he also tests his bottoming skills with Javi Velaro at the same time. Some might shrink from the challenge (figuratively and literally) but Damon goes after them both. But there’s only so much dick anyone can take, so Javi jumps in to save the day; he offers himself up as a bottom for Rafael and Damon alike. And when I say he offers himself up -- he takes both of their dicks at the same time in an ass-stretching double-penetration sequence!

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Damon Heart Takes Double Penetration From Rafael Carreras And Javi Velaro
Damon Heart Takes Double Penetration From Rafael Carreras And Javi Velaro
Damon Heart Takes Double Penetration From Rafael Carreras And Javi Velaro
Damon Heart Takes Double Penetration From Rafael Carreras And Javi Velaro
Damon Heart Takes Double Penetration From Rafael Carreras And Javi Velaro
Damon Heart Takes Double Penetration From Rafael Carreras And Javi Velaro
Damon Heart Takes Double Penetration From Rafael Carreras And Javi Velaro
Damon Heart Takes Double Penetration From Rafael Carreras And Javi Velaro

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