Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Dean Menace Seduces Louis Ricaute


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The passions and lust of Louis Ricaute can’t keep him out of the bedroom—nor the mouths and asses of other men—for long. Dean Menace is turned on by Louis Ricaute right away, and knows that he wants to pleasure such a strong and imposing man. But the sweet and handsome face of Dean Menace softens Louis right away, and they quickly FALL IN LUST with one another. Dean Menace opens his legs and ass quick, and Louis goes deep until they both reach climax!

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Dean Menace Seduces Louis Ricaute
Dean Menace Seduces Louis Ricaute
Dean Menace Seduces Louis Ricaute
Dean Menace Seduces Louis Ricaute
Dean Menace Seduces Louis Ricaute
Dean Menace Seduces Louis Ricaute
Dean Menace Seduces Louis Ricaute
Dean Menace Seduces Louis Ricaute

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