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Drae Axtell Tops Dolf Dietrich Bareback


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Who else other than Drae Axtell is born and bred for the beach? There’s no other like him -- he’s the ultimate beach bum, and we love him for it. Dolf Dietrich had a hankering for Drae’s huge (and I mean huge) Puerto Rican cock, so the production team set up an encounter for them down on the Fire Island docks where Drae gives Dolf exactly what he wants: the whole of his huge hard cock.

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Drae Axtell Tops Dolf Dietrich Bareback
Drae Axtell Tops Dolf Dietrich Bareback
Drae Axtell Tops Dolf Dietrich Bareback
Drae Axtell Tops Dolf Dietrich Bareback
Drae Axtell Tops Dolf Dietrich Bareback

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