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Drae Axtell’s Raw Threesome With Tomas Brand And Logan Rogue


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Who knows what was going through the minds of Tomas Brand and Logan Rogue when they saw Drae Axtell walking onto the set, other than the fact that they’re going to pound a gorgeous Latin man. Judging by the smile on Drae’s face, he’s excited at the chance to switch back and forth between two daddies that are eager with their new paramour. This humble Lucas Entertainment writer has never seen Drae Axtell’s monster cock in person, but judging from what’s seen on camera it is ridiculously large. And when Tomas and Logan get a look at this kid’s meat, both diligently take their time rotating turns servicing it. Check out 6:50 to see some awesome three-way oral sex action; Tomas is doing everything he can to swallow that cock up! Tomas soon after wants to induct Drae into the hall of men he’s had take a ride on his cock, so the Latino hops on to stretch out his hole. But because Logan is a true sport, he happily jumps in the middle and takes Tomas and Drae at the same time!

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Drae Axtell’s Raw Threesome With Tomas Brand And Logan Rogue
Drae Axtell’s Raw Threesome With Tomas Brand And Logan Rogue
Drae Axtell’s Raw Threesome With Tomas Brand And Logan Rogue
Drae Axtell’s Raw Threesome With Tomas Brand And Logan Rogue
Drae Axtell’s Raw Threesome With Tomas Brand And Logan Rogue
Drae Axtell’s Raw Threesome With Tomas Brand And Logan Rogue
Drae Axtell’s Raw Threesome With Tomas Brand And Logan Rogue
Drae Axtell’s Raw Threesome With Tomas Brand And Logan Rogue

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