Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Gustavo Cruz Dominates Jack Bailey


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Jack Bailey is a handsome and sweet little twink by day, but by night, he has a darker and kinky side. This little sweetie loves submitting to men who are older and more masculine than him; he’s all about seeing how much he can stand up to their whims and will. The ultra-hung Gustavo Cruz has Jack Bailey bound and gagged with anal beads at the start of their encounter. But the beads have got to go when Gustavo whips out his enormous uncut manhood for oral and anal sex. Jack Bailey’s little pink hole takes some incredible anal punishment, you can bet on that!

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Gustavo Cruz Dominates Jack Bailey
Gustavo Cruz Dominates Jack Bailey
Gustavo Cruz Dominates Jack Bailey
Gustavo Cruz Dominates Jack Bailey
Gustavo Cruz Dominates Jack Bailey
Gustavo Cruz Dominates Jack Bailey
Gustavo Cruz Dominates Jack Bailey
Gustavo Cruz Dominates Jack Bailey

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