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Harold Lopez Fucks Kosta Viking


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Harold Lopez was strong with his flirtations directed at Kosta Viking when he first met him. Harold has seen Kosta in action before, and he knows that the guy can fuck. He loves watching the stud pump ass with his beautiful blond curls pulled back in a tight man bun. But Kosta Viking also has a submissive side he has a lot of fun with, and that’s what Harold Lopez wants to tap into. Harold Lopez is strong and sensual with Kosta Viking when they start making out together. Kosta worships Harold’s muscles (especially his pecs and nipples), sucks on his feet, and gives his huge uncut cock some much needed attention. When Kosta Viking is ready, Harold Lopez pumps him in the ass bareback!

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Harold Lopez Fucks Kosta Viking
Harold Lopez Fucks Kosta Viking
Harold Lopez Fucks Kosta Viking
Harold Lopez Fucks Kosta Viking
Harold Lopez Fucks Kosta Viking
Harold Lopez Fucks Kosta Viking
Harold Lopez Fucks Kosta Viking
Harold Lopez Fucks Kosta Viking

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