Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Ibrahim Moreno Takes Lucas Fox’s Raw Uncut Cock


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Ibrahim Moreno looks like he could be Lucas Fox’s kid brother or cousin, and they both look like they can pass as straight in the streets. But when these two gorgeous Latin men get together behind closed doors, they strip off their clothes (revealing their insanely muscled bodies) and unleash their passion for each other. Ibrahim Moreno is truly sensual when he has sex with a man -- he loves every minute of swallowing a cock and taking a dick deep in his ass until he feels the balls slapping on his taint. Seeing Lucas Fox use Ibrahim Moreno’s hole until he shoots his load will leave your dripping!

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Ibrahim Moreno Takes Lucas Fox’s Raw Uncut Cock
Ibrahim Moreno Takes Lucas Fox’s Raw Uncut Cock
Ibrahim Moreno Takes Lucas Fox’s Raw Uncut Cock
Ibrahim Moreno Takes Lucas Fox’s Raw Uncut Cock
Ibrahim Moreno Takes Lucas Fox’s Raw Uncut Cock
Ibrahim Moreno Takes Lucas Fox’s Raw Uncut Cock
Ibrahim Moreno Takes Lucas Fox’s Raw Uncut Cock
Ibrahim Moreno Takes Lucas Fox’s Raw Uncut Cock

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