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Joey Pele Unleashes His Throbbing Cock On Michael Lachlan


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When a guy like Michael Lachlan has the kind of dick he does packing in his pants, you’d want to see him on top. But his gorgeous ass also positions him as an incredible bottom too -- and when you see him take dick it’s apparent that’s what he really enjoys doing. It’s a good thing, too, because the production team has paired him up with Joey Pele, who is a total top, and when I say he unleashes his massive uncut cock on Michael’s hole, it’s not an exaggeration. Joey takes control of the situation from the beginning of the encounter, and he doesn’t ease up until he busts his nut. The verdict? Michael Lachlan loved every minute.

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Joey Pele Unleashes His Throbbing Cock On Michael Lachlan
Joey Pele Unleashes His Throbbing Cock On Michael Lachlan
Joey Pele Unleashes His Throbbing Cock On Michael Lachlan
Joey Pele Unleashes His Throbbing Cock On Michael Lachlan
Joey Pele Unleashes His Throbbing Cock On Michael Lachlan
Joey Pele Unleashes His Throbbing Cock On Michael Lachlan
Joey Pele Unleashes His Throbbing Cock On Michael Lachlan
Joey Pele Unleashes His Throbbing Cock On Michael Lachlan

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