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Jonathan Agassi and Andy O'Neill


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Next it's Israeli star Jonathan Agassi's turn to taste the local flavor, and he seems to have found the perfect slice in Andy O'Neill. Andy takes Jonathan back to his place and ravages him with a hot makeout session, followed by a vigorous round of hearty cocksucking. Andy turns Jonathan around and indulges in his sweet, perfect ass, spitting and slurping around his hairy man hole before Jonathan returns the favor, sucking Andy's uncut tool before rolling his ass skyward and finger-fucking him in anticipation of the fun to come. Before Andy can scream "sacre bleu!" Jonathan is ramming him from behind with his impressive cock before shifting into every imaginable position. Finding his sweet spot from underneath, Jonathan power fucks his boyish French host like a jackhammer and gives him a facial he'll never forget!

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Jonathan Agassi
Jonathan Agassi

Lucas Entertainment exclusive Jonathan Agassi is an Israeli scene stealer in some of Lucas' hottest gay porn epics. Carving a niche for himself as a furry versatile sex bomb, Jonathan Agassi has revitalized the industry as one of the most popular Lucas exclusives in years! Jonathan Agassi was born into an artisan family, his mother a painter and is father a DJ in Berlin. He was raised in Tel Aviv since the age of six months. Growing up Jonathan loved the beach and traveled almost every weekend to the exotic and remarkable parts of Israel. But our naughty stud was always the bad ass even at a young age. Jonathan's mother frequented the hospital with him many times to cure a broken arm, leg or whatever the body part it was that time, because of if his fighting with other boys. Jonathan took to his education and studied a wide variety of topics in school for six years. He considers himself to be a Jewish atheist and loves the affection and audacity, which Israeli's own to themselves. Tel Aviv is the center of my life and has been for my whole life, says Jonathan, I believe that is one of the reasons that I am so open with my sexuality and with myself in general. With a lustful and carved body like his, it's a surprise that Jonathan's favorite food is pizza! He also loves to read; his most influential book is The Secret. Israeli's own Offer Nissim is his DJ of choice and Jonathan loves to relax and engage himself in the seductive sense of the sound. His other hobbies of desire include: clothes, shows, sexy underwear, gym, and of course sex. What turns Jonathan on the most? Honesty. Pure and simple. I must say that my biggest dream is to be known all over the world for what I do best. says Jonathan. And as you will soon see, this talent Jonathan Agassi speaks of is certainly fucking!

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