Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Youn Stars Franco Ferarri and Justin Cruise Suck Uncut Cock and Flip-Fuck


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Justin Cruise and Franco Ferarri -- what, oh what, are two bottoms supposed to do with one another? There’s a simple answer for that question: they need to take turns fucking each other to see who ultimately comes out on top! Franco and Justin are of similar build and size but they couldn’t look less alike: Justin Cruise is a fair-skinned Russian, whereas Franco is a fire-blooded Latino. Justin and Franco first loosen each other up on one of the studio’s favorite toys: they pump their holes on a big, black double-headed dildo. The motions back and forth get their cocks hard for some flip fucking: both guys get a chance to fuck, but who’s better at it? You’ll have to watch the scene to find out!

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Youn Stars Franco Ferarri and Justin Cruise Suck Uncut Cock and Flip-Fuck
Youn Stars Franco Ferarri and Justin Cruise Suck Uncut Cock and Flip-Fuck
Youn Stars Franco Ferarri and Justin Cruise Suck Uncut Cock and Flip-Fuck
Youn Stars Franco Ferarri and Justin Cruise Suck Uncut Cock and Flip-Fuck
Youn Stars Franco Ferarri and Justin Cruise Suck Uncut Cock and Flip-Fuck
Youn Stars Franco Ferarri and Justin Cruise Suck Uncut Cock and Flip-Fuck
Youn Stars Franco Ferarri and Justin Cruise Suck Uncut Cock and Flip-Fuck
Youn Stars Franco Ferarri and Justin Cruise Suck Uncut Cock and Flip-Fuck

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