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Lavi Yacov and Sebastian Ritz


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Parisian Sebastian Ritz is excited to visit Tel Aviv, if only so he can hook up with a hot Israeli like Lavi Yacov! . The tall and defined Lavi gags pretty young Sebastian with his XXX-L monster dick, shoving it down his hungry throat to the breaking point! Soon the boys are 69-ing in a reciprocal embrace. Lavi takes control of Sebastian's milky white bubble butt, feeling its smooth pressure points in preparation for the conquer. He enters Sebastian doggy-style, and works into a steady rhythm, causing the French fry to lose control of his exclamations. Moaning uncontrollably, Sebastian seems engulfed by the singular sensation of taking a truly massive Israeli cock. Lavi, in turn, takes full advantage of his partner's premium posterior, which is simply begging to be fucked harder and faster until he leaves him a prize load, all over his pouty Parisian mouth.

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