Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Lobo Carreira Bottoms For Harold Lopez


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Now this is an incredible pairing of two handsome, jacked, and masculine men. Lobo Carreira and Harold Lopez appear together in their encounter making out and exploring each other’s stunningly muscled bodies. Harold Lopez and Lobo Carreira spend a lot of time kissing, licking, tasting, and exploring one another’s bodies. But the action amps up when Lobo gets Harold stripped down to his white Calvin Klein briefs. You guessed it—Harold’s huge uncut Puerto Rican cock is rock-hard within those briefs and ready to go. Both men suck on each other cocks and foreskin before Lobo spreads his legs for Harold and gets his prostate pounded from some deep and intense ass pumping!

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Lobo Carreira Bottoms For Harold Lopez
Lobo Carreira Bottoms For Harold Lopez
Lobo Carreira Bottoms For Harold Lopez
Lobo Carreira Bottoms For Harold Lopez
Lobo Carreira Bottoms For Harold Lopez
Lobo Carreira Bottoms For Harold Lopez
Lobo Carreira Bottoms For Harold Lopez
Lobo Carreira Bottoms For Harold Lopez

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