Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Logan Rogue And Victor D’Angelo Fuck Manuel Skye


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Manuel Skye shows off his flexibility and gymnastic skills while hanging out in Spain with his fuck buddies Victor D’Angelo and Logan Rogue. They quickly get in on the fun too, and Logan is stomach-down in a make-shift sling sucking on Victor while having Manuel fuck him from behind. Every once in awhile, Manuel gets the urge to top, and so he rides Logan’s cock as they hang in the sling!

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Logan Rogue And Victor D’Angelo Fuck Manuel Skye
Logan Rogue And Victor D’Angelo Fuck Manuel Skye
Logan Rogue And Victor D’Angelo Fuck Manuel Skye
Logan Rogue And Victor D’Angelo Fuck Manuel Skye
Logan Rogue And Victor D’Angelo Fuck Manuel Skye
Logan Rogue And Victor D’Angelo Fuck Manuel Skye
Logan Rogue And Victor D’Angelo Fuck Manuel Skye
Logan Rogue And Victor D’Angelo Fuck Manuel Skye

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