Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Logan Rogue Barebacks Andy Star


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I don’t know which Logan Rogue and Andy Star would rather be doing: talking or sucking on each other’s dicks. In the tradition of a “Bareback Auditions” scene from Lucas Entertainment, Logan and Andy sit in bed together and chat before Logan dives on Andy’s cock. Logan is the top in the scene, and he alternates between giving Andy’s ass a good fucking and then taking a breather to rim so he can taste his juices mingled with Andy’s!

Scenes Images

Logan Rogue Barebacks Andy Star
Logan Rogue Barebacks Andy Star
Logan Rogue Barebacks Andy Star
Logan Rogue Barebacks Andy Star
Logan Rogue Barebacks Andy Star
Logan Rogue Barebacks Andy Star
Logan Rogue Barebacks Andy Star
Logan Rogue Barebacks Andy Star

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