Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Louis, Apolo, Drake, And Andrea’s Ass-Splitting Foursome


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Drake Rogers has the house all to himself, and as soon as everyone is gone he invites his friends Louis Ricaute, Andrea Suarez, and Apolo Fire over to hang out and fuck around. It doesn’t take long before the guys become a bundle of twisted limbs as they suck and fuck, and in a surprise topping encounter, Drake Rogers (who is usually taking dick) lubes his cock up after getting turned on hardcore seeing Andrea ride Louis’ cock. Drake slips his hard-on inside Andrea too for some fucked-wide-open double penetration, all while Andrea is blowing Apolo!

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Louis, Apolo, Drake, And Andrea’s Ass-Splitting Foursome
Louis, Apolo, Drake, And Andrea’s Ass-Splitting Foursome
Louis, Apolo, Drake, And Andrea’s Ass-Splitting Foursome
Louis, Apolo, Drake, And Andrea’s Ass-Splitting Foursome
Louis, Apolo, Drake, And Andrea’s Ass-Splitting Foursome
Louis, Apolo, Drake, And Andrea’s Ass-Splitting Foursome
Louis, Apolo, Drake, And Andrea’s Ass-Splitting Foursome
Louis, Apolo, Drake, And Andrea’s Ass-Splitting Foursome

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