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Adam Killian Romances Jake Genesis


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Adam Killian has had his eye on Jake Genesis for a while now, and he’s finally figured out the perfect opportunity to seduce him. Adam offers Jake an all-expense paid vacation in a Costa Rican villa. Adam doesn’t waste any time letting Jake know what he wants: their first evening together they watch the sunset before moving in for some kissing and swimming in the pool. Adam doesn’t restrain himself -- he pulls out Jake’s hard cock and starts playing with it and sucking it, enjoying his long-sought prize. Jake bends over and offers his ass to Adam, who makes loves to it with the hottest passion possible!

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Adam Killian Romances Jake Genesis
Adam Killian Romances Jake Genesis
Adam Killian Romances Jake Genesis
Adam Killian Romances Jake Genesis
Adam Killian Romances Jake Genesis
Adam Killian Romances Jake Genesis
Adam Killian Romances Jake Genesis
Adam Killian Romances Jake Genesis

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