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Manuel Skye, Blaze Austin, Drake Rogers | Daddy And His Boys


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Manuel Skye is a stepdad with his hands full guiding his two boys, Blaze Austin and Drake Rogers. You can rest assured that Drake and Blaze both need to be shown their place, and Manuel has the huge uncut cock that’s rock-hard and ready to give the both of them some discipline. Sometimes it seems like these boys are only behaved when it comes to spending quality time with their daddy. During one lazy afternoon, both Blaze and Drake take turns servicing Manuel’s cock with their mouth and ass. Manuel also teaches Drake how to top Blaze. His reward is taking his stepdad’s dick in his own ass.

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Manuel Skye, Blaze Austin, Drake Rogers | Daddy And His Boys
Manuel Skye, Blaze Austin, Drake Rogers | Daddy And His Boys
Manuel Skye, Blaze Austin, Drake Rogers | Daddy And His Boys
Manuel Skye, Blaze Austin, Drake Rogers | Daddy And His Boys
Manuel Skye, Blaze Austin, Drake Rogers | Daddy And His Boys
Manuel Skye, Blaze Austin, Drake Rogers | Daddy And His Boys
Manuel Skye, Blaze Austin, Drake Rogers | Daddy And His Boys
Manuel Skye, Blaze Austin, Drake Rogers | Daddy And His Boys

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