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Matan Shalev and Naor Tal


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Matan Shalev
Matan Shalev

Check out Matan Shalev! Matan Shalev has quickly become one of Lucas Entertainment's most in-demand exclusive models. Whether he's burning up to screen with Avi Dar in Israeli Auditions, making love to Naor Tal on a picturesque seashore, or getting banged up by Rafael Alencar, Matan Shalev never manages to disappoint. Purely versatile, Matan Shalev is the hottest thing to come out of Israel since falafel! Born in the the Israeli community of kibbutz Lotan, Matan was raised by a rural farmer and his milkmaid mother. As a teenager, Matan went to work on the farm and often practiced karate. When Matan turned at 18, he joined the Israeli miltary. For the first of his three years of service, he excelled significantly in running, obstacle courses, and combat with rifles. He had a one year posting working in a jail with the riot police division. It was a prison for the most dangerous terrorists, including suicide bombers who were caught before they caused damage. Matan's responsibility was to control the inmates when they rebelled and rioted. He also worked as a prison guard and was charged with keeping the most dangerous inmates at bay during military prison riots. In his short life, Matan Shalev has attempted and been quite successful at personal training, underwear modeling, landscaping, jazz and modern dance, culinary arts, choreography and nutritional consulting. Matan enjoys going to the gym, hanging out with friends, and going out to eat–especially Italian. Sex is a great passion for him and loves to fuck and get fucked. He has a well developed sensual side and loves to explore ityou'll see.

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