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Muscle-Daddy Tomas Brand Pumps Drake Rogers’ Ass


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If there’s one sexual desire Drake Rogers has in his life, it’s always fulfilling his daddy’s needs. Reigning supreme in the “daddy” category is Tomas Brand, the King of All Muscle Daddies, and his rock-hard uncut dick always stands erect and alert to pump his boys until he’s ready to shoot his load. Tomas and Drake are spending some quality time together by the pool on a beautiful sunny day when they take their bonding to the next level. Drake works damn hard to pleasure his daddy, using his mouth and ass so Tomas can enjoy all of the bareback pleasure he deserves.

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Muscle-Daddy Tomas Brand Pumps Drake Rogers’ Ass
Muscle-Daddy Tomas Brand Pumps Drake Rogers’ Ass
Muscle-Daddy Tomas Brand Pumps Drake Rogers’ Ass
Muscle-Daddy Tomas Brand Pumps Drake Rogers’ Ass
Muscle-Daddy Tomas Brand Pumps Drake Rogers’ Ass
Muscle-Daddy Tomas Brand Pumps Drake Rogers’ Ass
Muscle-Daddy Tomas Brand Pumps Drake Rogers’ Ass
Muscle-Daddy Tomas Brand Pumps Drake Rogers’ Ass

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