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New York Hunks Marcus Isaacs and Drew Sumrok Flip-Fuck Raw


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Both Marcus Isaacs and Drew Sumrook have been cruising each other around New York City for awhile now: at the gym, at bars and clubs, and on all of the apps. And when they make the commitment to finally meet up with one another, it couldn't go better. It's not just a quick romp for them: they feel a connection that grows as each piece of clothing comes off. Marcus treats Drew to a romantic breakfast, and the meal features him licking syrup off of Drew's muscular body. Drew and Marcus are attentive lovers -- it takes them no time for them to get hard. Marcus knows how to use his mouth to make his man happy, and Drew has no complaints. Both guys get their ass muscles worked out thoroughly: each cock slips in so easily it reaffirms why Drew Sumrok and Marcus Isaacs love gay bareback sex so much!

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New York Hunks Marcus Isaacs and Drew Sumrok Flip-Fuck Raw
New York Hunks Marcus Isaacs and Drew Sumrok Flip-Fuck Raw
New York Hunks Marcus Isaacs and Drew Sumrok Flip-Fuck Raw
New York Hunks Marcus Isaacs and Drew Sumrok Flip-Fuck Raw
New York Hunks Marcus Isaacs and Drew Sumrok Flip-Fuck Raw
New York Hunks Marcus Isaacs and Drew Sumrok Flip-Fuck Raw
New York Hunks Marcus Isaacs and Drew Sumrok Flip-Fuck Raw
New York Hunks Marcus Isaacs and Drew Sumrok Flip-Fuck Raw

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