Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Oliver Hunt Rides Andre Donovan’s Big Black Cock


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Oliver Hunt has made his way through many of the Lucas Men, but he’s never met a guy quite like Andre Donovan. Andre is tall, handsome, charming, and looks utterly incredible when he strips down and shows off his hot body and huge black cock. Andre and Oliver spend a romantic evening together, but neither wants it to end. Back at Andre’s beautiful villa, the heat turns up as Oliver makes his move. Oliver Hunt is all about making sure his man’s needs are taken care of, and he works on Andre Donovan from head to toe (and nipples, too, since Andre loves having them played with). Andre shows off his strength by picking up Oliver and holding him upside down while they 69 each other. And before the night is over, Andre Donovan pounds and batters the boy hole of Oliver Hunt!

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Oliver Hunt Rides Andre Donovan’s Big Black Cock
Oliver Hunt Rides Andre Donovan’s Big Black Cock
Oliver Hunt Rides Andre Donovan’s Big Black Cock
Oliver Hunt Rides Andre Donovan’s Big Black Cock
Oliver Hunt Rides Andre Donovan’s Big Black Cock
Oliver Hunt Rides Andre Donovan’s Big Black Cock
Oliver Hunt Rides Andre Donovan’s Big Black Cock
Oliver Hunt Rides Andre Donovan’s Big Black Cock

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