Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Owen Michaels Pounds Trace Kendall Bareback


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Owen Michaels could easily become a new favorite on Lucas Entertainment -- talk about a beefcake, and he’s a top, so that’s quite exciting for both Trace Kendall and the audience. (Who doesn’t like a top that knows who and what he is? It makes for a harder pounding!) Trace likes being taken control of and Owen likes asserting his authority, so it’s a lot of fun watching their sexual dynamic. This is a gay bareback sex scene from Lucas Entertainment you cannot miss!

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Owen Michaels Pounds Trace Kendall Bareback
Owen Michaels Pounds Trace Kendall Bareback
Owen Michaels Pounds Trace Kendall Bareback
Owen Michaels Pounds Trace Kendall Bareback
Owen Michaels Pounds Trace Kendall Bareback
Owen Michaels Pounds Trace Kendall Bareback
Owen Michaels Pounds Trace Kendall Bareback
Owen Michaels Pounds Trace Kendall Bareback

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