Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Mathew and Adriano Blow Their Loads


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If it’s entertainment Adriano Carrasco is looking for then Mathew Mason is certainly not going to fail in delivering it! Adriano calls the famous Lucas Entertainment bottom up to his room for a quick performance as Mathew unbuttons his shirt and pulls down his pants. Mathew certainly knows how to arouse Adriano, who can’t keep his hands off the hot guy. Once Adriano is teased enough Mathew pulls out his big uncut cock and starts sucking and deep-throating it. Adriano uses his fingers to tempt Mathew’s hole before putting on a condom and sliding his dick inside Mathew deep. Adriano never takes it easy on his bottoms, and he fucks Mathew fast and hard while he’s on his hands and knees. In the end Mathew uses his mouth to work on Adriano before drilling him a little more until coming!

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Mathew  and Adriano Blow Their Loads
Mathew  and Adriano Blow Their Loads
Mathew  and Adriano Blow Their Loads
Mathew  and Adriano Blow Their Loads
Mathew  and Adriano Blow Their Loads
Mathew  and Adriano Blow Their Loads
Mathew  and Adriano Blow Their Loads
Mathew  and Adriano Blow Their Loads

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