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Rafael Alencar Destroys Tanner Tomas’ Ass


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The legendary uncut Brazilian cock of Rafael Alencar is just two inches shy of being a foot long, and is nearly as fat as a can. Rafael never bottoms, and in fact, the only thing he’s interested in doing sexually is destroying a submissive bitch’s ass with the monster he has between his legs. Perhaps that makes him a selfish lover, but there’s no shortage of bottoms that want exactly what he is offering, and that includes Tanner Tomas. Tanner seduced Rafael Alencar on Fire Island, but he had no idea just how hard the Brazilian alpha top was going to thrash his throat and hole.

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Rafael Alencar Destroys Tanner Tomas’ Ass
Rafael Alencar Destroys Tanner Tomas’ Ass
Rafael Alencar Destroys Tanner Tomas’ Ass
Rafael Alencar Destroys Tanner Tomas’ Ass
Rafael Alencar Destroys Tanner Tomas’ Ass
Rafael Alencar Destroys Tanner Tomas’ Ass
Rafael Alencar Destroys Tanner Tomas’ Ass
Rafael Alencar Destroys Tanner Tomas’ Ass

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