Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Rafael Lords And Sergeant Miles Suck And Fuck Bareback


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Here is the first scene in the final movie filmed during Lucas Entertainment’s 2015 Fire Island production. And who better to begin the action than two sex-crazed Lucas Exclusives -- Sergeant Miles and Rafael Lords. Sergeant makes no illusion to the fact that he was once a military man, and one unshakable lesson he learned from his time in the military was how to serve and obey. And Rafael Lords might be small, but he’s got plenty of energy, especially when he takes ownership of Sergeant’s ass!

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Rafael Lords And Sergeant Miles Suck And Fuck Bareback
Rafael Lords And Sergeant Miles Suck And Fuck Bareback
Rafael Lords And Sergeant Miles Suck And Fuck Bareback
Rafael Lords And Sergeant Miles Suck And Fuck Bareback
Rafael Lords And Sergeant Miles Suck And Fuck Bareback

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