Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Rudy Gram Pounds Shae


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Shae Reynolds is a submissive bottom bitch who loves getting fucked in the ass and treated like a sex slave when he’s with a man. Rudy Gram, meanwhile, is a handsome hunk who is passion and lust incarnate. So Shae had an incredible time pleasuring and giving his body to the service of Rudy’s manly needs. Rudy Gram fucks Shae deep and and good in several positions, all the while showing off his incredible body during the action!

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Rudy Gram Pounds Shae
Rudy Gram Pounds Shae
Rudy Gram Pounds Shae
Rudy Gram Pounds Shae
Rudy Gram Pounds Shae
Rudy Gram Pounds Shae
Rudy Gram Pounds Shae
Rudy Gram Pounds Shae

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