Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Sergeant Miles Flip-Fucks With Stas Landon


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Sergeant Miles returns front and center to the camera, and this time he gets to taste Stas Landon. The sexual chemistry between these two is apparent from the beginning of Sergeant’s interview. I don’t know about you, but it looks to me like Stas is very excited to finish the interview and start touching his scene partner. They move outside where the weather is nice; the guys strip down and show off their muscled bodies. Stas Landon kisses and works over Sergeant Miles’ butt cheeks and hole. But it’s Sergeant’s huge cock that Stas wants, and he bends over to take it. If you watch around 40:50 you’ll see Sergeant pounding him with a stern face, and the sound of his pelvis smashing against Stas Landon’s hard muscular ass is like music to your ears!

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Sergeant Miles Flip-Fucks With Stas Landon
Sergeant Miles Flip-Fucks With Stas Landon
Sergeant Miles Flip-Fucks With Stas Landon
Sergeant Miles Flip-Fucks With Stas Landon
Sergeant Miles Flip-Fucks With Stas Landon
Sergeant Miles Flip-Fucks With Stas Landon
Sergeant Miles Flip-Fucks With Stas Landon
Sergeant Miles Flip-Fucks With Stas Landon
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