Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Sex After a Business Lunch Starring Adam Killian, Fernando Torres, and Valentino Medici


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Adam Killian and Valentino Medici look forward to their business trips together. Sure, on the outside, they’re showing a façade that demonstrates a life of normalcy: wife, kids, house. But the Elite Class has needs that can only be taken care of in private. During this business trip Adam and Valentino invite waiter Fernando Torres up to their suite, where they all strip down and have hardcore sex! Both Adam and Valentino take cock long and hard, and Fernando is as good a top as he is a bottom!  

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Sex After a Business Lunch Starring Adam Killian, Fernando Torres, and Valentino Medici
Sex After a Business Lunch Starring Adam Killian, Fernando Torres, and Valentino Medici
Sex After a Business Lunch Starring Adam Killian, Fernando Torres, and Valentino Medici
Sex After a Business Lunch Starring Adam Killian, Fernando Torres, and Valentino Medici
Sex After a Business Lunch Starring Adam Killian, Fernando Torres, and Valentino Medici
Sex After a Business Lunch Starring Adam Killian, Fernando Torres, and Valentino Medici
Sex After a Business Lunch Starring Adam Killian, Fernando Torres, and Valentino Medici
Sex After a Business Lunch Starring Adam Killian, Fernando Torres, and Valentino Medici

More Scene From Gentlemen 10: Elite Class


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