Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Sir Peter Fucks Alfonso Osnaya’s Ass


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There’s no more perfect model for a “high-caliber cock” than the nine-inch uncut cock Sir Peter displays whenever he strips naked. “Displays” in an apt word, because Sir Peter’s dick is a work of art, and only the most worthy of bottoms get a chance to service it. Enter Alfonso Osnaya, who is a bottom of great skill and passion. Though he’s slim, don’t think this guy unable to handle himself. He is one hell of a stud in the sack and loves taking dick. Sir Peter and Alfonso are out on the deck in Puerto Vallarta one sunny afternoon when Sir Peter gives Alfonso exactly what he needs. When Sir Peter fucks, he mounts his bottom, thrusts, and goes in far and deep!

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Sir Peter Fucks Alfonso Osnaya’s Ass
Sir Peter Fucks Alfonso Osnaya’s Ass
Sir Peter Fucks Alfonso Osnaya’s Ass
Sir Peter Fucks Alfonso Osnaya’s Ass
Sir Peter Fucks Alfonso Osnaya’s Ass
Sir Peter Fucks Alfonso Osnaya’s Ass
Sir Peter Fucks Alfonso Osnaya’s Ass
Sir Peter Fucks Alfonso Osnaya’s Ass

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