Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Spencer Reed and Avi Dar


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Spencer Reed is a fan of adorable muscle bottom Avi Dar from movies like Men of Israel and his own co-starring film Obsession. Just as he expresses this to his new scene partner the clothes begin to fly off. Avi works his salivating tongue down Spencer's massive frame, until it hits Spencer's raging hard-on inside his blue jeans. Avi pops that cock out and deep throats it in a steady rhythm. Soon Spencer gets to slurping on Avi's sturdy scepter. Spencer shoves his face into Avi'd sculpted and infamous ass. At attention. Spencer's erection stands monument at a perfect 45-degree angle, and Avi acutely lowers himself onto it with total control. Soon Avi is bouncing off of Spencer's cock like an Olympian, while Spencer flexes his stunning arms and kicks back, letting the bottom do the work. Ready to take charge, Spencer stands, picking Avi up with him, and fucks him hard in the air like a blow up doll! Coming to a cataclysmic conclusion, Spencer shoots his stream of cum right down Avi's slutty throat.

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