Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Tomas Brand And Sir Peter Double-Team Jonas Jackson


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Jonas Jackson is one hell of a sexy ginger with a handsome face and a muscular body that’s nothing short of statuesque. But don’t be fooled. He might be a strong and butch man, but when he’s with other men in private, he quickly turns into a submissive bottom who loves taking hard dick up the ass. Sir Peter is a breakout Lucas Entertainment star for his handsome masculine looks, and Tomas Brand, the King of All Muscle Daddies, needs no introduction at this point of his Lucas Entertainment career. Both Sir Peter and Tomas Brand take Jonas Jackson and make the hunk their submissive bottom bitch! But first, they perform a fantasy interview sequence that takes the Bareback Auditions in a whole new game show-like direction!

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Tomas Brand And Sir Peter Double-Team Jonas Jackson
Tomas Brand And Sir Peter Double-Team Jonas Jackson
Tomas Brand And Sir Peter Double-Team Jonas Jackson
Tomas Brand And Sir Peter Double-Team Jonas Jackson
Tomas Brand And Sir Peter Double-Team Jonas Jackson
Tomas Brand And Sir Peter Double-Team Jonas Jackson
Tomas Brand And Sir Peter Double-Team Jonas Jackson
Tomas Brand And Sir Peter Double-Team Jonas Jackson


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