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Tristan Archer Rides Valentino Medici’s Muscle-Daddy Dick


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It’s a challenge figuring out what I want to call Valentino Medici more: a muscle bear or a muscle daddy… or maybe a muscular daddy bear. Regardless, this fucking guy is the real deal: he’s hot, masculine, and in incredible shape. All of these reasons are why it’s so much fun to watch him fuck Tristan Archer. And when I say he fucks him, I mean he fucks him in every sense of the word. He gets this kid into position after position, testing his limits and then giving it to him even harder. All I can say is this: it’s great to have you back, Valentino!

Scenes Images

Tristan Archer Rides Valentino Medici’s Muscle-Daddy Dick
Tristan Archer Rides Valentino Medici’s Muscle-Daddy Dick
Tristan Archer Rides Valentino Medici’s Muscle-Daddy Dick
Tristan Archer Rides Valentino Medici’s Muscle-Daddy Dick
Tristan Archer Rides Valentino Medici’s Muscle-Daddy Dick
Tristan Archer Rides Valentino Medici’s Muscle-Daddy Dick
Tristan Archer Rides Valentino Medici’s Muscle-Daddy Dick

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