Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Viktor Rom And Diego Summers Double-Team Dylan O’Hardy


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One thing is for sure -- Dylan O’Hardy must have had a hard time walking after taking two dicks up the rear. But the two tops in question are extra special, so there’s no room for complaint: Viktor Rom and Diego Summers (a new Lucas Entertainment exclusive model). Also, a note on Diego: in the opinion of this Lucas Entertainment content writer, he’s one of the sexiest models currently around. His shaved head, lean body, and erect fat cock all make him a dream guy to have in bed. Dylan gets him and Viktor, another god among gay porn stars. However much fun you have watching these three together, the live action itself must have been mind-blowing.

Scenes Images

Viktor Rom And Diego Summers Double-Team Dylan O’Hardy
Viktor Rom And Diego Summers Double-Team Dylan O’Hardy
Viktor Rom And Diego Summers Double-Team Dylan O’Hardy
Viktor Rom And Diego Summers Double-Team Dylan O’Hardy
Viktor Rom And Diego Summers Double-Team Dylan O’Hardy
Viktor Rom And Diego Summers Double-Team Dylan O’Hardy
Viktor Rom And Diego Summers Double-Team Dylan O’Hardy
Viktor Rom And Diego Summers Double-Team Dylan O’Hardy

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