Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Viktor Rom Dominates Vlad Larin’s Mouth And Butt


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Vlad Larin is a new exclusive model with Lucas Entertainment, and with this being his first scene we decided to give him a worthy introduction. How did we pull that off, you ask? We offered him up to Viktor Rom as a sacrificial lamb -- because if there’s one thing Viktor is good at, its no-nonsense topping. Vlad is enamored by men bigger than him, and Viktor is a mountain of a guy -- look at the span of his shoulders and chest alone. He loosens Vlad up a bit with a sex toy before having the lean Russian twink bounce on his dick, and when I say bounce I mean bounce. Check it out for yourself at 28:20.

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Viktor Rom Dominates Vlad Larin’s Mouth And Butt
Viktor Rom Dominates Vlad Larin’s Mouth And Butt
Viktor Rom Dominates Vlad Larin’s Mouth And Butt
Viktor Rom Dominates Vlad Larin’s Mouth And Butt
Viktor Rom Dominates Vlad Larin’s Mouth And Butt
Viktor Rom Dominates Vlad Larin’s Mouth And Butt
Viktor Rom Dominates Vlad Larin’s Mouth And Butt
Viktor Rom Dominates Vlad Larin’s Mouth And Butt

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