Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Xavier Jacobs Pounds Cam Christou Bareback


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As the Lucas Entertainment content writer, this is the scene that I’ve personally been waiting for. Why, you might ask? It’s for Xavier Jacobs, of course. He’s the perfect pornographic archetype of an otter -- add to that his traditional good looks and drawl of an accent and you have one hell of a gay porn performer. Cam Christou, another model I’m personally fond of, has retuned to the studio for the 2015 Fire Island production, and they have a killer onscreen chemistry. Xavier pumps Cam like he’s been denied sex for weeks (which you can see at 05:40), and Cam loves taking Xavier’s cock to such an extent that he takes it up the butt for a raw, hole-pumping ride at 6:10.

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Xavier Jacobs Pounds Cam Christou Bareback
Xavier Jacobs Pounds Cam Christou Bareback
Xavier Jacobs Pounds Cam Christou Bareback
Xavier Jacobs Pounds Cam Christou Bareback
Xavier Jacobs Pounds Cam Christou Bareback
Xavier Jacobs Pounds Cam Christou Bareback
Xavier Jacobs Pounds Cam Christou Bareback

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